Our discussion forums
WineLovers Discussion Group
Welcome to our Wine Lovers Discussion Group! We're glad you found your way here, and hope you'll want to participate with us in the intelligent discussion of fine wine and its enjoyment. You needn't be an expert to take part, and our rules are few: You must use your own name, avoid "spam" (commercial solicitations) and "flaming" (insults and personal attacks).
We've changed our system for registering in the forum. Because of heavy traffic from offshore "spammers" seeking to join the forum so they can post ads for scam, phishing or malware sites, we have discontinued allowing individual registration.
However, if you're a real person who really wants to talk with us about wine and other good things, you are still most welcome here.
Just send an Email to me at wine@wineloverspage.com with the following information:
1. Your real name.
2. The log-in/username you prefer. This must be your real first name and last name, with a space, or if you are shy about using your full name, then your first name and last initial is permissible, but I need to know your full name.
3. A password of at least six letters. (You may change this after you join the forum.)
4. The Email address you want associated with this membership. It must be a live, working Email; otherwise, registration will fail.
Other forums
Our older discussion forums are now maintained on a "read-only" basis as archives so readers can enjoy the wealth of information that they contain.
LouisvilleHotBytes forums
Our only forum with a local/regional angle, this forum - associated with our LouisvilleHotBytes.com - is an active community for the discussion of restaurants and other food-related topics in and around Louisville, Ky., my home town. Registration is not required, but we do ask that you use your real name and follow our community rules against "spam" and "flaming."
Archived older forums